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Here's a PR Secret...

You won't believe that the biggest PR secret is one of the simplest things.

The biggest PR secret is..."Drum Roll Please" ::Drum Roll::

Every thing cost money! You need to have a strategic budget for influencer outreach, events, brand awareness, advertising and editorial write ups. No one, not even Beyonce, is getting everything for free. Something cost somewhere. The demand depends on the cost.

Now, as far as Beyonce, she definitely is getting some write ups for free because her name drives sales. However, she's CHARGING for use of her name or brand awareness with small brands. Remember her brand Ivy Park? Nordstrom charged the brand to showcase their items and advertise in their stores.

Here are three other PR "Secrets" You Must Know

  1. Answer Opportunities Quick Opportunities for PR and Brand Awareness go faster than they come. That is why knowing your budget for advertising, influencer outreach and more is so important. This allows you to react quickly whether an opportunity to showcase your brand is for you at that moment.

  2. Constant Contact always win Did you hear "no" the first time you reached out to a brand, influencer or magazine? That's okay. Find out what the budget is and when they make the decision. Sometimes, it's great to send emails saying hello, drop off little gifts or add them on LinkedIN. There are so many people constantly reaching out. The best way to be top of mind is to stay in contact.

  3. Send tailored and customize pitches Don't copy and paste. Make sure you always take the time with your PR awareness to research the brand, magazines, influencer and more. This will help them to feel appreciated, see a need with your brand and help create a better relationship.

PR secrets can help make or break the brand. We don't believe in gatekeeping -- even if you're not a PR client of ours. We are always here to help as strategy, brand awareness and more.

Plus, clients of ours can jump on board to our Mango Mixer events. Never been to one of our mixers? Follow our events page on IG.

But, don't forget -- Always make sure your website is up to date and your branding is sold before investing in PR!

