If you’re a business baddie fighting the seasonal saddies, you’re not alone! We’re counting down the minutes until our days are filled with sunshine and we’re working by the pool with a cute iced coffee and a tote bag full of snacks. While it’s a beautiful thing if you’re able to ramp down your schedule during the gloomy months, the reality for many business owners is that they must proceed with business as usual. Since that group is most of us, we’ve collected our best tips for getting things done no matter the season. Trust us, no one is judging if you’re working from bed instead of your desk as long as you’re making it happen!
Set realistic goals
Our first tip really sets you up for success with the rest of them. The focus word here is “realistic.” In a hustle culture that encourages everyone to shoot for the stars and manifest their biggest goals, it’s easy to forget that no destination is reached without taking one step after another. Sometimes the pace of those steps is faster than others, but when setting realistic goals it’s important to be honest about what you can handle in a workday and manage your productivity accordingly. This might look like adjusting your working hours, switching up your workflow, or building in time for an afternoon nap. Find your preference, and stick to it shamelessly!
Learn to prioritize
Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to pick a prioritization method that works for you. In a perfect world, we’d clear our to-do list every day. However, we all know the guilt of a nagging to-do list that got away from us in the busyness of everyday life. Once you learn to properly prioritize, you’ll know where to throw your energy when you’re at your best, and where you have some wiggle room to come back to a project and give yourself grace if it doesn’t get finished in one day. We love to make a list and pick 3-6 non-negotiable tasks. Once those tasks are done for the day, we move onto the rest of the list if we can, and give ourselves grace if we can’t!
Be kind to yourself
Although this sounds cliche, we mean it. When we say kindness we mean extending the
same levels of kindness to yourself that you would to a friend who wasn’t doing so well. Would you go on a walk with a friend who was sad? Take yourself on a walk if you need to! There are very few problems that can’t wait till after a 10-minute walk around the block to be fixed. Have you ever taken a meal to someone you love? Make sure you’re nourishing your beautiful body and having yummy snacks too! When we’re getting back to the basics of self-care after being in a funk we focus on getting hydrated, gently moving our bodies, and fueling up with food. It’s surprising how much your brain will thank you when you meet your body’s needs.
Remember this, the season is just that, a season! No one can run on 100 all of the time. If you can’t execute as much as you’d like to this time of year, use it as a dreaming and planning period and hit the ground running when the sun comes back. You’ve got this. We’re rooting for you!