Thank you for joining us for the Mango Book Club in August + September. On our TikTok, we read “InstaBrain: How To Market To Gen Z by Sarah Weise".
We rated it 3 Mangoes out of 5. It's what Yelp would call "Meh." Don't get us wrong, there was some good, some bad and some worthy. Is it for us, besties? Maybe. It felt like a book you should give your grandfather to understand "all these young kids now a days" but, as long as these young kids were white, on the straight spectrum, middle to upper class and have other accessibilities.
Loved it, liked it, not for us.
~At just under 225 pages, this book is an easy read, and a great way to understand the basics of marketing to Gen Z. They do go through more than digital marketing -- which gave us some additional insights.
~There is a repeated theme throughout the book about Gen Z VS Millennials. Also, that Gen Z is more socially focused, politically focused and less loyalty focused. They value the product and Millennials value the experience.
~ They have a "take away" section after every chapter which we found the most helpful and inspiring.
~ We would love to see the demographics for research of this book..cause well, we already said it above.
"So, Show Generation Z what your brand stands for, and educate them on the cause to foster feel-good learning, and give them opportunities to participate in the conversation to encourage a personal stake and increased loyalty. - Page 189
Big takeaways
Offer Choices
Generation Z is more independent. They need control, inspiration and a personalized experience.
Focus on Attention before Engagement
They are fast paced, multi-tasking, research heavy individuals. If you can capture attention, the engagement will follow.
They are the generation of entrepreneurs.
Still worth a read? Absolutely. Interested in reading the next book? We will be reading Brainfluence: 100 ways to persuade and convince consumers with neuromarketing by Roger Dooley.
Want to read on your own? No problem! We paused on doing BookClub Blogs but plan to bring them back soon. Our goal with these is to help Women In Small Businesses be able to grow their business with additional tools!